清里滞在記   Holiday at Kiyosato

最高に気持ちいいなあ! お母さんと小川で。水が冷たかったよ。
How refreshing! At the stream with Mum. I felt cold water.
I love Kiyosato of Yamanashi prefecture. Dad and Mum took me there just for a day last May. I was so happy with a pleasantly cool breeze, fresh milk and delicious soft ice cream that they took me there again in August.
I usually get car-sick, so Dad let me take a rest at every drive-in this time, and I managed not to vomit.
On my favourite field of Seisenryo, we had our picnic lunch together. It was full of wild flowers around us and a gentle breeze was blowing kindly like the previous time. Dogs are allowed to be there.
This time we stayed at a pension called the
"Orange House". Dogs are allowed to sleep in the same room as their owners, and eat with them in the dining room. I felt good to be looked up to, by other dogs there, as a dog of experience, and Dad and Mum seemed to be enjoying themselves, talking to other guests who were staying with their dog.
But I was told then that it would be the last chance for me to visit Kiyosato. Ah, I want to go to Kiyosato again!
高原での楽しいピクニックでした。 暑い暑い。
Happy picnic on a plateau. It is hot! Dad put a towel over me.
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