

2nd Jan.

We went to the River Tama this morning. When I was young, it took me only 7 minutes, but today, Dad took us to the river by car, and we walked slowly along the bank to the ground. Many dogs passed us, but I kept on walking at my own pace. I staggered. But whenever I fell, Dad or Mum helped me stand up. When we reached the ground, Mum gave me some chocolate pocky, my favourite sweet.

さあ お散歩に行こうっと! 今年初めての足慣らし。ゆっくり行こうや。
Now, walking time! The first walking this year. Never hurry.
お母さんポッキ−もっともっと! 一歩一歩踏みしめながら。
Mum, I want more pocky! Trying to walk steadily. I wonder if I will see Hitomi or Holy.

I met my friends after a long time, and it was a fine walk.
I will take a nap and have a good dream !

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